9.9. Создание встроенных ситуаций

Embedded situations simplify monitoring conditions for your applications by enabling you to define common metrics and then use those metrics to define other situations.

For example, imagine you have the following three situations:

CPUHigh (CPU% > 90)

SwapRateHigh (SWAP_Rate > 500)

CPULow (CPU% < 10)

You can use these metrics to create situations that do the following:

Monitor for a high swap rate and a low CPU rate

Monitor for a high swap rate and a high CPU rate

Monitor for either a high or low CPU rate

Use the following steps to create an embedded situation:

1.Right-click the Navigator item from which you want the associated situation alert to originate and click Situations.

2.Click New Situation.

3.Type a name and description for the situation.

4.Select the type of monitoring agent from the list and click OK.

5.In the Condition Type section, select Situation Comparison and then select one or more situations that you want to embed.

For our preceding scenario, you'd select SwapRateHigh and CPULow to create the situation to monitor for high swap rate and low CPU.

6.Click OK.

7.Click in the cell below each new column in the formula editor to add ==True.

Putting ==True for each condition in the same row is the equivalent of using AND. Putting it on different rows is the equivalent of using OR.

8.Embedding situations require at least two conditions. If you have more conditions, click Add Condition and repeat steps 4 through 7.

9.Set the monitoring interval in the Sampling interval section.

10.Click the Distribution tab to assign the situation to one or more managed systems.

11.Click Apply to save your changes and start the situation.

12.A Distribution Change window might be displayed if the situations embedded in the current situation haven't been distributed to the indicated managed systems. Click OK.

13.Click OK to close the Situation window.

As the new embedded situation is distributed to the managed system, that system is checked to ensure that the situations embedded in the new situation have also been distributed to that system. If they have not, they are distributed by default.